Feature Creep

So I wanted to talk about something I've been thinking about lately. I suppose it goes back to the 'less is more' philosophy.

Yeah, so feature creep is an issue. It's when you start thinking about adding a ton of stuff, to what you already have. The trouble is, the list of things you want to add keeps growing. It really is better to stop and take a step back, and ask yourself, 'Do I really need this?'

I had the same feelings lately, I was going to add full payment support and admin panels. And while this is possible it would detract from what IgnitedCMS is — it is just a CMS.

Sure if things go well, I might add those features later. But at the moment, I just want to get to a V1 release.

The take-away is, do one thing really well, instead of doing multiple things just alright.